Monday 31 December 2012

That's My King

That’s My King (lyrics)

The Bible says
He’s the King of the Jews
He’s the King of Israel
He’s the King of Righteousness
He’s the King of the Ages
He’s the King of Heaven
He’s the King of Glory
He’s the King of Kings
and He is the Lord of Lords

Now that’s my King!
David says
The Heavens declare the glory of God
And the firmament showeth His handiwork
No means of measure can define His limitless love
No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supply
No barriers can hinder Him from pouring out His blessing

He’s enduringly strong
He’s entirely sincere
He’s eternally steadfast
He’s immortally graceful
He’s imperially powerful
He’s impartially merciful

That’s my King!
He’s God’s Son
He’s the sinners’ Saviour
He’s the centrepiece of civilisation
He stands alone in Himself
He’s august
He’s unique
He’s unparalleled
He’s unprecedented
He’s supreme
He’s pre-eminent
He’s the loftiest idea in literature
He’s the highest personality in philosophy
He’s the supreme problem in higher criticism
He’s the fundamental doctrine in true theology
He’s the cardinal necessity of spiritual religion

That’s my King!
He’s the miracle of the age
He’s the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him
He’s the only one able to supply all of our needs simultaneously
He supplies strength for the weak
He’s available for the tempted and the tried
He sympathises and He saves
He guards and He guides
He heals the sick
He cleansed the lepers
He forgives sinners
He discharges debtors
He delivers the captives
He defends the feeble
He blesses the young
He serves the unfortunate
He regards the aged
He rewards the diligent
And He beautifies the meek

Do you know Him?
My King is the key of knowledge
He’s the wellspring of wisdom
He’s the doorway of deliverance
He’s the pathway of peace
He’s the roadway of righteousness
He’s the highway of holiness
He’s the gateway of glory
He’s the master of the mighty
He’s the captain of the conquerors
He’s the head of the heroes
He’s the leader of the legislators
He’s the overseer of the overcomers
He’s the governor of governors
He’s the prince of princes
He’s the King of Kings
And He’s the Lord of Lords

That’s my King
That’s my King!
My King
His office is manifold
His promise is sure
His life is matchless
His goodness is limitless
His mercy is everlasting
His love never changes
His word is enough
His grace is sufficient
His reign is righteous
His yoke is easy
and His burden is light
I wish I could describe Him to you
He’s indescribable
He’s indescribable
He’s incomprehensible
He’s invincible
He’s irresistible
I’m trying to tell you
The heaven of heavens cannot contain Him
Let alone a man explain Him
You can’t get Him out of your mind
You can’t get Him off of your hands
You can’t outlive Him
And you can’t live without Him
The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him
but they found out they couldn’t stop Him
Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him
The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree
And Herod couldn’t kill Him
Death couldn’t handle Him
And the grave couldn’t hold Him

That’s my King!
He always has been
And He always will be
I’m talking about
He had no predecessor
and He’ll have no successor
There was nobody before Him
and there’ll be nobody after Him
You can’t impeach Him
and He’s not going to resign

That’s my King!
Praise the Lord
That’s my King
Thine is the Kingdom
And the power
And the glory
The glory is all His
Thine is the Kingdom
And the power
And the glory
For ever
And ever
And ever
And when you get through with all of the forevers

Monday 24 December 2012

Compliments of the Season

Compliments of the Season
 Happy New Year in Advance 

Thursday 20 December 2012

Tuesday 18 December 2012



TEXTS: 1 Cor. 9:16, Matt. 28:19-20

This is the special task of reaching the whole world with the gospel which the Lord Jesus Christ gave his disciples after His resurrection and just before He ascended to heaven.

It means teaching and to preaching the word of God to every creature (Mk. 16:15). It is loving and caring for the needy, and warning sinners of the impending judgement for whosoever rejects the Word of God.

It brings healing for the sick, freedom for the captive, loosening of the bound, comforting all that mourns and ultimately glorifying the name of our Holy and Almighty God (Lk. 4:18).

The old path way to this great commission is doing the above mentioned without fear of molestation and any reservation because the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the power to overcome the world and the devil.

(Isa. 61:1-3, Rev. 12:11) Also He has given us the comforter – the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 9:16 gives us the conditions with which we should do this work of our Father. The condition implies that the gospel must be preached and taught in the way the Apostles of old did it – not considering their own lives, homes and various vocations as many of us do today. Those days brethren would surrender all their income for the work of the kingdom; faithfully pay their tithes and offering for the printing of tracts and buying of bibles for distribution to young converts. The church/fellowship was able to provide for the basic needs of the needy and poor in the spirit but today, we have in the cheats and people who steal from God.

The old pathway called for days of fasting and prayer and missionaries having to trek long distances in order to reach the un-reached. But today, almost everybody seeks the path of least resistance and demanding for one allowance or the other before proceeding on missionary journeys.

In conclusion, the crave for mundane things has robbed many Christians of the passion for souls. The major concern of many Christians today is the desire to become rich and prosperous. And as the age draws to a close, men appear to be very busy, having little or no time for the things of God. Hardly do we find people in the mid week services and even on Sundays it is surprising that some go off to their offices to complete some unfinished task or just continue with the rat race. And the Lord Jesus Christ still asks, “Will the Son of man find faith when he comes?

We should therefore watch out for those things that can take our attention away from the great commission so that at the end of our journey on earth we might have bright and shining crowns and reign with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Digging Deep - The Fear of God

The Fear of God

Texts: Ps. 34:11 – “Come ye children hearken unto me I will teach the fear of the Lord

The real gospel is the fear of God. Anything you fear will overcome you, just like Job.


Therefore as it is written in Psalm 34:11, we have to get closer to God in order to lean what God has for us when we fear Him.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, which comes with knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 9:10.

Wisdom is to know the dos and don’ts of God.

Prov. 3:7 – Therefore, do not be wise in your own eyes and depart from evil. It is a warning and key to get closer to God always, be determined to be in his presence always.

Psalm 91:1 – He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 2:11 – When you serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Which means the only way to be an overcomer in life is to fear Him and rejoice in Him. When you have the fear of God, you are sure you will be fair to your neighbour who is also created in the image of God.
  • You will learn to respect authority.
  • You will learn to respect your spouse.
  • You will learn to lead your husband, your wife and your children to the Lord, so that the foundation of the children can be firm in the Lord to carry on in the righteousness of God Almighty.

The fear of God builds the nation.

Psalm 119:38 – The word of the Lord is established only to those that are devoted to His fear.

Psalm 119:98 – When you hearken to the Lord, His fear makes you wiser than your enemy, whether you like it or not, they are always with you.

It also gives you understanding than all your teachers. Therefore, you have to meditate in his testimonies.

It also makes you understand more than the ancient and if you keep his precepts and not depart from his guidance.


Psalm 103:13 – The Lord will always rise to show you mercy
Psalm 34:7 – Divine security
Psalm 34:17 – No matter your situation, the Lord will deliver you.
Prov. 10:27 – The Lord will give long life to them that fear Him.
The wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God is always with you.
He gives favour
It builds your confidence and makes you never to be afraid of anything or anyone. Psalm 27:1
No want to them that fear the Lord. Psalm 34:9

Be filled with the Holy Spirit
Be prayerful. Bible says “pray without ceasing”
Be versed in the word of God
Be in peace with all men.

In conclusion:
Submit yourselves, therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you – James 4:7. It is better to fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, rather than fear them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul.

Job3:25 says what you greatly fear always manifest into you, it is better to fear the Lord to possess all the blessings therein.

God bless you for reading. We do hope you were blessed by this teaching.
You can download this teaching by clicking this link:
Fear of God.doc
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Fear of God .pdf

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Have you given your life to Christ yet?
If NO, please do so now. Say this short prayer.

“Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour…
Courtesy: Visitation Group