Sunday 16 December 2012

Digging Deep - The Fear of God

The Fear of God

Texts: Ps. 34:11 – “Come ye children hearken unto me I will teach the fear of the Lord

The real gospel is the fear of God. Anything you fear will overcome you, just like Job.


Therefore as it is written in Psalm 34:11, we have to get closer to God in order to lean what God has for us when we fear Him.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, which comes with knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 9:10.

Wisdom is to know the dos and don’ts of God.

Prov. 3:7 – Therefore, do not be wise in your own eyes and depart from evil. It is a warning and key to get closer to God always, be determined to be in his presence always.

Psalm 91:1 – He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 2:11 – When you serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Which means the only way to be an overcomer in life is to fear Him and rejoice in Him. When you have the fear of God, you are sure you will be fair to your neighbour who is also created in the image of God.
  • You will learn to respect authority.
  • You will learn to respect your spouse.
  • You will learn to lead your husband, your wife and your children to the Lord, so that the foundation of the children can be firm in the Lord to carry on in the righteousness of God Almighty.

The fear of God builds the nation.

Psalm 119:38 – The word of the Lord is established only to those that are devoted to His fear.

Psalm 119:98 – When you hearken to the Lord, His fear makes you wiser than your enemy, whether you like it or not, they are always with you.

It also gives you understanding than all your teachers. Therefore, you have to meditate in his testimonies.

It also makes you understand more than the ancient and if you keep his precepts and not depart from his guidance.


Psalm 103:13 – The Lord will always rise to show you mercy
Psalm 34:7 – Divine security
Psalm 34:17 – No matter your situation, the Lord will deliver you.
Prov. 10:27 – The Lord will give long life to them that fear Him.
The wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God is always with you.
He gives favour
It builds your confidence and makes you never to be afraid of anything or anyone. Psalm 27:1
No want to them that fear the Lord. Psalm 34:9

Be filled with the Holy Spirit
Be prayerful. Bible says “pray without ceasing”
Be versed in the word of God
Be in peace with all men.

In conclusion:
Submit yourselves, therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you – James 4:7. It is better to fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, rather than fear them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul.

Job3:25 says what you greatly fear always manifest into you, it is better to fear the Lord to possess all the blessings therein.

God bless you for reading. We do hope you were blessed by this teaching.
You can download this teaching by clicking this link:
Fear of God.doc
Fear of God.txt
Fear of God .pdf

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Have you given your life to Christ yet?
If NO, please do so now. Say this short prayer.

“Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour…
Courtesy: Visitation Group