Monday 11 February 2013

The Keys for Magnetising Wealth


Mathew 6:33

The Psalmist says ‘…i have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his children begging for bread..’ The righteous can never be forsaken. Once you key into the Kingdom of God, the ‘seek Me first’ agenda gets into your spirit, then other things will just follow. This is automatic. But the big question is whether the kingdom is in your heart already or not. If not, you will never get the kind of wealth promised by God, no matter how hard you work. This is because wealth is like a weapon and God is very careful on whose hands He puts it. Wealth is also like the power of God and He is meticulous about whom He releases it to.

For example, if God sees that you are a person that gets angry easily, He can turn you to an Elijah because if He does, one day, your spouse may upset you. And you confront her and quickly decree that she should be roasted. You must be reminded that once you are guilty of one part of the law, you are guilty of everything. So don’t think that your sin is not that big; no matter how ‘small’ you think it is, it disqualifies you from having the right to the kingdom wealth.

Dr. Olukoya

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